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Help using the Merriway Website

Registering and Creating Your Web Account

Do I need a website account?

You do not need a website account to browse the Merriway website, but you do if you would like to place an order or enjoy other features such as accessing and downloading personal price lists, saving lists of favourite products, etc. You can create your website account either by clicking 'Register' on the menu bar or, alternatively, your account will be generated automatically as part of the checkout process the first time you place an order.

You only need to register once.

Registration is important for two reasons:

  • The Merriway website is strictly for trade only and the registration system helps us to ensure that we deal only with bona fide trade customers.
  • On your subsequent visits, the website will recognise you when you input your username and password. The benefit of this is that your favourites and order history list will be accessible, your delivery details will be recalled so that you do not need to input them again, saved orders will be accessible, any appropriate discounts will be reflected in the prices displayed to you, etc., etc..

If you would like to apply for a Merriway Credit Account, please click here to make an application online or to download an application form.

How to order

Please note, the minimum order value is £200 nett.

1. Finding a product

There are various ways to find the product that you want:

The advanced search allows you to refine your search for even greater accuracy.

2. Adding a product to your trolley

Browse to the product you require, choose the quantity from the box to the right of the product details and then click the 'Add to Trolley' button beneath it. Your trolley contents will immediately update and the new trolley total will be visible in the top-right of your screen.

You can view, amend and delete the contents of your trolley prior to checkout. To amend an item quantity, change the number in the quantity box and click the 'Recalculate' button to update the total cost of your order. To delete an item, click the 'Remove item' link. The 'Continue Buying' button returns you to the page of products you were previously viewing.

3.Proceeding to Checkout

Once you have added all the items to your trolley that you wish to purchase, click on 'Proceed to checkout' to finalise your order. On completion of the process you will be provided with an order reference number and a confirmation email will be sent to your e-mail address, detailing a complete list of exactly what you ordered. You also have the option on the checkout page to print a copy of your order simply by clicking on the 'Print order' button.

Alternatively, rather than checkout you may prefer to save your trolley and return to it at another time. Please see "Saving and Restoring Your Orders", below, for details.

Using the Fast Order Form

Our Fast Order Form allows you to enter the product codes and quantities quickly and easily without needing to navigate our website.

Ordering From Your Favourites List

Your favourites list is your personal list of favourite products or even whole trolleys and it is particularly useful if you tend to repeat order the same products.

To order from Your Favourites, click on the 'Your Web Account' tab, and then click on 'View and restore your saved trolleys' or 'View and order from your list of favourite products'.

The list of your favourite products will come up and you can choose products from it in the normal way.

Saving and Restoring Orders

A useful feature of the Merriway website is the ability to save your the contents of your trolley to return to it at a more convenient time. So if something pressing comes up whilst you are in the middle of placing an order, save the contents of your trolley by viewing the trolley then clicking on 'To save this trolley, click here' within the grey area below your trolley contents. Give the order a name (e.g. today's date), and click the 'Save' button.

Please note that the trolley/items you have just saved are still in your current Trolley and will remain there until you close your web browser.

To restore a trolley that you have previously saved, go to Your Web Account, click on 'Saved Trolleys' and select the saved order you wish to restore.

You can also add complete orders to your trolley that you have placed previously, which is particularly useful if you tend to repeat-order some or all of the same items. To restore an order that you have placed previously, go to Your Web Account, select 'Review Previous Orders' and click on the 'Yes' alongside the order in the 'Restore' column. If you would prefer to view the order before you restore, click on the order number instead of the 'Yes' and if you then decide that you wish to restore it, click on 'Restore' at the top of the page. Once an order has been restored, products can be added to it or removed from it as necessary.

Please note that if you restore an order whilst there are items in your shopping trolley, the saved order will JOIN those items in the trolley and NOT REPLACE them.

Making Changes To Your Internet Order

As detailed above, you can view, amend and delete items in your trolley prior to checkout. To amend an item quantity, change the number in the quantity box and click the 'Update' button to update the total cost of your order. To delete an item, click the 'Delete item' link. The 'Continue Buying' button returns you to the page of products you were previous viewing.

If you would like to make changes to an order that you have already confirmed, please contact us using the contact form detailing exactly what changes you would like to make, ensuring that you include the order confirmation number we e-mailed to you when you placed the order. However, please note that if your order has reached the processing stage it is unlikely that it can be cancelled.

Cancelling An Order

If you wish to cancel an order that you have placed on the Merriway website, please contact us using the contact form, remembering to include the order confirmation number you received when you placed the order. However, please note that if your order has reached the processing stage it is unlikely that it can be cancelled.

Payment Options

The payment options are as follows:

VAT is applied to all orders except those for Republic of Ireland and Channel Islands.

Despatch & Delivery

Delivery Information

Minimum order value is £200 nett. Carriage costs are shown below:

LocationCarriage paid threshold (min. nett invoice value)Carriage rate if below carriage paidSurcharge
England, Wales & parts of southern & eastern Scotland£500£35N/A
Remainder of Scotland & Isles, Isle of Wight, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles, Channel Islands£500£35£10
Republic of Ireland£500£50£75

Delivery Problems

Managing Your Web Account

What You Can Do In 'Your Web Account'
Once you have registered you will be able to manage your website account by clicking on the 'Your Web Account' button that appears on the grey menu bar on every page. From here you can do the following:

If You Forget Your Username and/or Password

If you forget your username and/or password, click here or on the 'Forgotten your password?' link next to the sign in area, complete your name and e-mail address and your password details will be e-mailed to you.

If you have any other queries then please contact us.